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Banff National Park – Landscape photography

Known worldwide, Banff National Park is part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks UNESCO World Heritage Site and, it is a mecca for landscape photography. “It’s like you’ve stepped into a photographer’s Narnia. Epic mountains, beautiful glacial lakes, roaring waterfalls, and wildlife everywhere. It can be quite overwhelming, but take a deep breath in and prepare for one heck of a jaw-dropping experience while exploring Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada.” 

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Canadian Rocky Mountain Landscapes – LIVE Preview one on your Wall

Is there still a demand for Landscape Photography? Yes, there is, and thankfully so! For me the Canadian Rocky Mountain Landscape, especially in Banff National Park is my “studio” and the images I capture in this stunning landscape, I hope, and I still find, can resonate with clients for home, office, and public space decor. A bit further down I explain how you can get a LIVE PREVIEW of any landscape image from my website, on your home or office wall!

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Canadian Landscape Photography

Canadian Landscape photography may be best known for the beauty of the Canadian Rockies and Banff National Park..There are many locations that draw landscape photographers and Photography Tours such as – the Lofoten Islands in Norway, Patagonia, Valley of the Moon in Chile, Iceland, Mirror Lakes in the Fjordland of New Zealand – and the Canadian Rockies are right up there with these other renowned locations.

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Banff National Park Landscape Photography and the Ides of March

Banff National Park Landscape Photography – do the Ides of March effect it? In Shakespeare’s Julius Ceasar, a fortune teller warns him “Beware the Ides of March”, but that warning doesn’t apply to Landscape photography in Banff National Park. Banff in March is full of opportunities to sightsee, ski, skate, and, of course, do mountain landscape photography! The month of March yields changeable weather patterns and these patterns provide endless opportunities for landscape photography in Banff and the Canadian Rockies.

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When is the best time to Visit the Canadian Rockies and Banff National Park ? ( Will you try Landscape Photography when you come ?)

 Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site! It is one of the SUP wonders of the World. So, it is a place you want to visit, and you will likely ask – When is the best time to visit the Canadian Rockies and Banff National Park?

Intrepid Travel offers this explanation:

There’s no specific ‘best time’ to visit the Canadian Rockies with each season offering a different perspective of the naturally breathtaking landscape. While there is a peak season (summer), when you choose to travel to the Rockies largely depends on what you want to see and the kind of activities you want to do while you’re there. If you fancy seeing snow-capped mountains and vast lakes covered with ice thick enough to skate on then travelling to this wondrous region in winter simply makes sense. Or, if you actually want to see the turquoise colour of Lake Louise and hike through meadows filled with blooming wildflowers then travelling in spring and summer is the best time to visit.

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Canadian Rockies Landscape Mountain Photography

The Canadian Rockies, and specifically Banff National Park – are known worldwide as a location for stunning mountain landscape photography. Mountain landscape photography has some particular challenges and, at the same time, yields many opportunities for Canadian Fine Art Photographers.

Landscape photography in Banff ( and any mountainous location ) requires one to be safety conscious at all times. You need photographic equipment – the camera(s) of course, lenses, filters, extra batteries, and cards, etc. However, the clothing you have, layering pieces, your footwear, compass and GPS, some food, water, etc all must packed up with your gear to make for a safe and successful shoot. In the mountain environment weather conditions can change quickly and being prepared with the proper clothing and accessories is mandatory.

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What is a good time for Rocky Mountain Photography

Rocky Mountain photography doesn’t stop in the winter, it just gives the chance for a different view! It is also an excellent time to get black and white pictures of Canada and the Canadian Rockies. In response to the Question – What time of year is best for landscape photography in Banff, this reply on Google is quite misleading There is a consensus of opinion, amongst some landscape photographers, that it is better to hang up your camera during the summer months and wait for the softer light and warmer colours of autumn.” In Banff National Park and around Banff ANYTIME of year is a good time for landscape photography and Winter can be some of the BEST times.

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Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur: Drawing Inspiration from Mother Nature

Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur: Drawing Inspiration from Mother Nature

With Thanks – Article for this Blog Post:

Provided by Jennifer Scott, Spiritfiner.org- www.Spiritfinder.org

Finding inspiration can sometimes be a challenge in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship. But what if the answer to unlocking your business potential lies not in the concrete jungle, but in the embrace of the great outdoors? This article explores how budding entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights and motivation from nature’s wonders to turn their business dreams into reality.

The Power of Hiking

Hiking provides budding entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to gain inspiration from nature…..

Hiking provides budding entrepreneurs with a unique opportunity to gain inspiration from nature. It allows you to disconnect from the digital world as you immerse yourself in the beauty of the outdoors. The challenges faced during hikes enhance problem-solving skills and build both physical and mental resilience, valuable qualities for navigating the entrepreneurial journey’s ups and downs while offering a fresh perspective on business endeavors.

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Rocky Mountain Photography ( the beauty to capture )

Rocky Mountain Photography , more specifically the Canadian Rockies photography is widely known as some of the most picturesque in the world. I live here because they captured my heart and continue to enthrall me everyday. So, What are the Canadian Rocky Mountains known for? What makes them different?

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